Literature – Related Project Personnel Publications




Bailey, A.L., & Heritage, M. (2008). Formative Assessment for Literacy, Grades K-6: Building reading and academic language skills across the curriculum. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin/Sage Press.


Bailey, A. L. (2007). The Language Demands of School: Putting academic English to the test. New Haven, CT:

Yale University Press.


Heritage, M. (2010). Formative assessment: Making It Happen In the Classroom. Corwin Press: Thousand

Oaks, CA.


Journal Articles


Bailey, A.L. Heritage, M. & Butler, F. A. (2014). Developmental considerations and curricular contexts in the

Assessment of Young Language Learners. The Companion to Language Assessment. Wiley-Blackwell.


Bailey, A.L. (2012). Academic English. In J. Banks (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education. Thousand

Oaks, CA: Sage.


Bailey, A. L. & Huang, B. H. (2011). Do current English language development/proficiency standards reflect

the English needed for success in school? Language Testing, 28, 343-365.


Bailey, A.L., Huang, Y. & Escobar, M. (2011). I Can Explain: Academic Language for Science among Young

English Language Learners. In P. Noyce & D. Hickey (Eds.). New Frontiers in Formative Assessment. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.


Bailey, A. L. (2010). Assessment in Schools-Oracy. In James, M. (Section Ed). International Encyclopedia of

Education (Third Edition). Amsterdam: Elsevier.


Bailey, A. L. (2010). Implications for Assessment and Instruction. In M. Shatz, & L. Wilkinson (Eds.). The

Education of English Language Learners: Research to practice. New York: Guilford Press.


Bailey, A. L. (2008). Assessing the language of young learners. In E. Shohamy & N. H. Hornberger (Eds.)

Encyclopedia of language and education, Vol. 7: Language testing and assessment. (pp. 379-398). Berlin: Springer.


Bailey, A., Butler, F., & Sato, E. (2007). Standards-to-standards linkage under Title III: Exploring common

language demands in ELD and science standards. Applied Measurement of Education, 20 (1), 53−78.


Bailey, A. L. & Butler, F. A. (2004) Ethical Considerations in the Assessment of the Language and Content

Knowledge of English Language Learners K-12. Language Assessment Quarterly, 1, 177-193.


Heritage, M. (forthcoming). Gathering Evidence of Student Understanding. In J. McMillan. (ED). Sage

Handbook of Research on Classroom Assessment.


Heritage, M. (2011). Knowing What to Do Next: The Hard Part of Formative Assessment? CADMO, The

Journal of the Association for Educational Assessment, Europe.  FrancoAngeli: Milan, Italy.


Heritage, M. (October, 2007) Formative assessment: what teachers need to know and do. Phi Delta

Kappan.89 (2) Phi Delta Kappan International: Bloomington, IN. pp.140-146


Heritage, M., Kim, J., Vendlinski, T. Herman, J. (Fall, 2009). From evidence to action: a seamless process in

formative assessment? Education Measurement: Issues and Practice. 28, (3), pp. 24-31. Blackwell: New York.


Heritage, M., & Bailey, A. L., (2006). Assessing to Teach. An Introduction. Educational Assessment, 11 (3 &

4), 145-148.


Jones, B., Aguirre-Muñoz, Z., Boscardin, C.K., & Park, J. (April, 2006). Academic language and procedural

scaffolding in writing instruction. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.


Reynolds Kelly, K., & Bailey, A. L., (2012). Becoming independent storytellers: Modeling children’s

development of narrative macrostructure. First Language Online. Available at


Commissioned Papers


Bailey, A.L. & Wolf, M., Kim, (2012). The Challenge of Assessing Language Proficiency Aligned to the

Common Core State Standards and Some Possible Solutions. Understanding Language Initiative, Commissioned Paper, Stanford University, CA. Available at


Heritage, M. (February, 2008). Learning progressions: supporting instruction and formative assessment. Paper

Commissioned by the Council of Chief State School Officers: Washington DC.


Walqui, A., & Heritage, M. (2012). Instruction for Diverse Groups of ELLs.

Commissioned Paper, Stanford University, CA. Available at