1 – Developing DLLPs

October 2011 – April 2012. Create a methodology for modeling a dynamic language learning progression.
As a proof of concept, we are focusing on the language function “explanation”, initially for the K-5 grade
range. The progression will not be described exclusively by grade level expectations, but rather by key,
potentially overlapping phases of language development. To begin with, we are examining verbatim
explanations that are contained in the existing literature on language development.


May 2012 – May 2013. Populate and manage the progression.


May 2012 – December 2012. We are generating data from a collection of oral and written explanations that are used in the service of justification and persuasion. The data sources are newly generated oral and written explanations from prompts presented to 90-120 K-5 children, strategically selected by grade, native/non-native English speakers, English Language Development levels, time in the U.S., and reading levels. Students will be presented with identical stimuli to prompt their oral and written explanations, and student responses will be analyzed using protocols developed for the project.


May 2012 – May 2013. We are conducting classroom observations of the use of explanations by teachers and students.


May 2012 – May 2013. We are developing a computer-based data storage and analysis tool.


September 2012 – May 2013. We will conduct focus groups to get teacher feedback on the defensibility of the progression and its potential uses.